
CIS品牌辅导全案。亦荣获知名国际金点奖!连记来自于鹿野的茶庄传奇,红乌龙创始。多年以来与朋友们分享恬淡的生活,一花一世界,一叶一菩提。透过茶,也透过爱茶的品味生活,连记传递给每一位朋友台东鹿野的饮茶乡情。 Lianji is the legend of teashop from Luye of Taitung which is also funder of red oolong. Lianji has been sharing a tranquil life with friends for many years. To see the world in a flower, and a bodhi through a leaf. Enjoying life by loving tea, but also the tea. Lianji delivers the nostalgia of Taitung to everyone.